Setup your organization

If you are on an enterprise version, your organization is managed by your company admin, you can skip this article and continue to Projects. The basic structure of KaizIQ starts with an Organization and a project can only be created under an Organization. There are 2 ways to create an Organization: -

  1. 1) On Sign-up

    You will be prompted to create an Organization when you login initially. kaiziq | create an organization on login Enter a 3 Character Tag (Only Capital Letters) and the name of the Organization and click Create.

  2. 2) From the Top panel

    You can anytime, click on the "Create/Join" button in the organizations drop-down on the Top Panel kaiziq | top panel button to create organization Clicking on this will open the create organization form, enter a 3 Character Tag (Only Capital Letters) and the name of the Organization and select Create.

Joining an Organization requires either an "Invitation" from an admin of the organization, or by sending a "Request" to join the organization.

You can see your invitations and requests in your - Settings Page -> Access Center .

To access your Organization Settings, first Navigate to your project

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